Angels among us. It's nearly become too fantastic of an ideal to think of being in the presence of angels as we go about our daily lives. This is in part due to belief systems we've attached to how an angel will appear and to whom.
Some people exclude themselves from these visitations by not “allowing” an interaction with an angel because it doesn't fit the criteria that they've assigned to it. In other words, it doesn't meet their expectations. Maybe they believe that an angel will only appear to someone who is “worthy,” or perhaps they find the idea too fantastic and dismiss it, explain interventions in more “logical” terms. Or, maybe they don't like the idea of angels interacting with them, or even angels at all.
We've run the gamut with books, television shows, movies about angels. Exposure to these story lines has eked its way into our psyche, directed our thoughts sometimes before we can give our sovereign attention to the experience.
I suppose that's why there's an oft repeated adage, wisdom from our elders, that advises us to release what no longer serves us. I like the phrase, “You can't add water to a cup that's already full.”
Although I always protect my client's identity when sharing quantum healing sessions, for this session it was furthermore advised to change details. More important than the particulars of the healing is the message, and that it be made available to all.
This client, who I will call Blue, is young and in a same-sex relationship. Blue's had some longstanding health problems and was curious about past lives. Before we'd even gotten to the point during the induction where we locate a time/space most appropriate to receive information pertinent to the life that Blue's in now, the Higher Self came in, so I just started with the list of questions. Blue learned that the current relationship although relatively new, is with someone who was birthed at the same moment. Not in this physical reality, the physical bodies that they're in now; outside of this space/time, and that the two of them have shared lifetimes of different genders and associations. This relationship now brings closure.
“Blue's wondering about 'talking in tongues.' Blue has done this many times. As I understand this now, this is what people are calling 'light language' nowadays. Can you tell us more about this?”
“It's the same. Blue's always done this.”
“Yes, only recently we learned that a phrase Blue's often said when in pain or upset means, 'God is with me.'”
“Well, Blue hasn't had much luck with healing the problem in the shoulder. Can you help with that today?”
“Okay. Well, are there lessons attached to that experience that need to be identified?”
So now we go round and round a bit. I acknowledge that Blue's been healed during prior sessions, and that in a couple instances when healing couldn't happen during a session it was because the conscious mind needed to incorporate lessons into Blue's present state from abuse as a child and subsequently in relationships as an adult. Blue could not advance until the conscious mind dealt with the experiences and released ties.
Then I got the idea to call in Archangel Michael to help. Blue went from a relaxed, nearly comical state which as how I've become acquainted as indicative of Blue's Higher Self being present, to one of an authoritative air.
“Thank you,” I said, “Am I speaking to Michael?”
“Gabriel?” I repeated, more so to give myself time to adjust.
“Okay. Thank you, Gabriel. Blue has some questions and wants to be healed. Can you do this healing today?”
Okay, now I'm really taken aback. The answer seems unequivocal.
“Why not?”
“It serves a greater purpose.”
“Okay, that's what Blue's Higher Self said but I know Blue will want details about this. Can you help explain this, please?”
“Yes. Blue needs to see a surgeon.”
“Is this a doctor that Blue's already seen?”
“No. Blue knows where to go. We've already told Blue the hospital to go to.”
“Okay. So Blue knows that already. Is it nearby?”
“No. Blue knows.”
“Okay. Well, why does Blue need surgery? I know that you can heal Blue now.”
“We are helping. We are taking away the pain. But Blue needs to see this surgeon.”
“Is this because of the people who will be involved?”
“Okay, that makes sense. I know that certain experiences and illnesses are ways of connecting people.”
“So Blue will be healed but needs to go to this hospital and see this doctor, right?”
“Yes. Blue is aware. Blue knows what to do. We've been telling Blue.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
This was a very high energy connection. It's difficult to describe how intense it was other than to say that the voice was so strong that it truly was resounding... I can see how people who've been witness to Gabriel would be taken aback. I thank Gabriel, ask for him to leave and for Blue's Higher Self to return. I am well familiar with Blue's Higher Self and we've developed a more casual relationship. We talk a while, then I go on to the questions Blue has.
“Blue's wondering about the special connection with the moon.”
“Yes. Blue goes every night. Blue asked for help.”
“What do you mean Blue asked for help?”
“From the nightmares.”
Blue, like I said, suffered severe abuse as a child. The severity of the abuse is beyond what I've encountered personally and working as one who founded our local domestic violence center, then worked as counselor and legal advocate, I've heard and seen a lot. Prostituted as a child, beaten and starved, Blue endured horrifying circumstances.
“You mean from what happened?”
“Yes. It became too much, so we sent Blue there. Blue still goes every night. It's peaceful.”
“Blue's wondering about 'past lives.' During our sessions, Blue's never experienced going to a 'past life' and wondering why.”
“All Blue's 'past lives' are in this life.”
Okay, well this is where things become more complicated and it's necessary to broaden our minds – step out of “time” as we've traditionally “kept” it. The easiest way for me to do this, and perhaps will be helpful to others too, is to realize that we've traditionally kept track of the passing of “time” by counting days as the rise and setting of the sun. But what if we orbited differently? What if we were in a space of more than one sun...To keep this to this brief, I won't go into more detail about the passage of time now but will focus on key points of our conversation that followed. It's noteworthy to add here though that this person has been in numerous relationships which has been another point of harsh criticism Blue's received as judgment from people. Blue's joked before about feeling like I have, that we've lived many lives during our current lifetime. Turns out that Blue was right.
“Blue's wondering about some unique relationships...”
“They prayed, Blue came.”
“What do you mean, they prayed and Blue came?”
“They needed help, so Blue went.”
“You mean like an angel?”
“Yes.” And there was that smile again. I knew that there was more information here, but it depended on me asking questions. (This is also an important factor of meditation, prayer; opportunity to clear our minds and be more direct. Be specific with questions that you ask, and don't be afraid to ask for visible confirmations. This allows for wonderful experiences to materialize. There is criteria that our soul families abide by and one of the main considerations is of non-interference so interaction hinges on invitation.)
“Not like an angel though - Blue is an angel. Is that right?”
Okay, like I said, I do want to keep this brief but I got such an epiphany at this moment. It was as if the culmination of all our previous sessions came to the forefront.
“So when Blue was abused, Blue endured that so that those people could release that experience.”
That's what I've learned about domestic violence, pedophilia, etc... is that unless people are healed from those traumatic experiences the abuse continues. Suddenly, a lot of things started to make sense to me.
“Blue came here to do this, to allow the abuse in order to provide healing; to forgive them, release them?”
Now Blue's Higher Self became very quiet and thoughtful, whispered, “Yes.”
This was in fact a dangerous assignment. There was the chance that Blue could become caught in these cycles. It was only forgiveness that prevented that. If Blue had succumbed to hatred, bitterness, anger, and been overcome with ideals of vengeance, or conversely self-loathing, the patterning would have remained unchanged.
“Does Blue transmute energy?” By transmuting, I mean unconditional love changes what we perceive as negative or dark energies just by association.
Again, in just a whisper, “Yes.”
My mind reeled, thinking of all the people who've judged Blue and continue to do so. There are many people who are appalled by Blue's lifestyle, even threaten eternal hellfire and damnation. Yet Blue remains undeterred and is joyful.
“Blue's also wondered about the special relationship felt with Jesus.”
“He is part of Blue.”
“Was Blue here when Jesus was here?”
“Blue is part of him. There is no separation. They are one.”
I am familiar with this as the Christ Consciousness which is becoming prevalent on our planet now. A previous conversation that I'd had with Blue came to mind. Blue told me that despite never being taught about Jesus or the Bible, when scared and then plagued by nightmares from the abuse, Blue had suddenly thought to pray to Jesus and ask for help.
“Blue was wondering about some people that have come into Blue's life lately who passed away shortly afterward. Blue was with them right before they passed.”
“Yes, it helped that Blue was with them. They prayed, Blue went.”
This session ended abruptly with the unmistakable presence of Gabriel returning.
“We are through here,” he announced, “We've done the healing that you asked. Take (Blue) out now! (Blue) must release immediately. The toxins must be released.”
No, it wasn't the healing for the problem that requires surgery, it was for other health issues. I brought Blue out. Blue sat up, ran for the bathroom and when Blue returned, said that the feeling was like the entire body was filled with fluid, had never experienced anything like it.
There are angels among us, giving us opportunities to “play out” scenarios that will benefit goals we've each set for this lifetime. Perhaps you are one.
Some people exclude themselves from these visitations by not “allowing” an interaction with an angel because it doesn't fit the criteria that they've assigned to it. In other words, it doesn't meet their expectations. Maybe they believe that an angel will only appear to someone who is “worthy,” or perhaps they find the idea too fantastic and dismiss it, explain interventions in more “logical” terms. Or, maybe they don't like the idea of angels interacting with them, or even angels at all.
We've run the gamut with books, television shows, movies about angels. Exposure to these story lines has eked its way into our psyche, directed our thoughts sometimes before we can give our sovereign attention to the experience.
I suppose that's why there's an oft repeated adage, wisdom from our elders, that advises us to release what no longer serves us. I like the phrase, “You can't add water to a cup that's already full.”
Although I always protect my client's identity when sharing quantum healing sessions, for this session it was furthermore advised to change details. More important than the particulars of the healing is the message, and that it be made available to all.
This client, who I will call Blue, is young and in a same-sex relationship. Blue's had some longstanding health problems and was curious about past lives. Before we'd even gotten to the point during the induction where we locate a time/space most appropriate to receive information pertinent to the life that Blue's in now, the Higher Self came in, so I just started with the list of questions. Blue learned that the current relationship although relatively new, is with someone who was birthed at the same moment. Not in this physical reality, the physical bodies that they're in now; outside of this space/time, and that the two of them have shared lifetimes of different genders and associations. This relationship now brings closure.
“Blue's wondering about 'talking in tongues.' Blue has done this many times. As I understand this now, this is what people are calling 'light language' nowadays. Can you tell us more about this?”
“It's the same. Blue's always done this.”
“Yes, only recently we learned that a phrase Blue's often said when in pain or upset means, 'God is with me.'”
“Well, Blue hasn't had much luck with healing the problem in the shoulder. Can you help with that today?”
“Okay. Well, are there lessons attached to that experience that need to be identified?”
So now we go round and round a bit. I acknowledge that Blue's been healed during prior sessions, and that in a couple instances when healing couldn't happen during a session it was because the conscious mind needed to incorporate lessons into Blue's present state from abuse as a child and subsequently in relationships as an adult. Blue could not advance until the conscious mind dealt with the experiences and released ties.
Then I got the idea to call in Archangel Michael to help. Blue went from a relaxed, nearly comical state which as how I've become acquainted as indicative of Blue's Higher Self being present, to one of an authoritative air.
“Thank you,” I said, “Am I speaking to Michael?”
“Gabriel?” I repeated, more so to give myself time to adjust.
“Okay. Thank you, Gabriel. Blue has some questions and wants to be healed. Can you do this healing today?”
Okay, now I'm really taken aback. The answer seems unequivocal.
“Why not?”
“It serves a greater purpose.”
“Okay, that's what Blue's Higher Self said but I know Blue will want details about this. Can you help explain this, please?”
“Yes. Blue needs to see a surgeon.”
“Is this a doctor that Blue's already seen?”
“No. Blue knows where to go. We've already told Blue the hospital to go to.”
“Okay. So Blue knows that already. Is it nearby?”
“No. Blue knows.”
“Okay. Well, why does Blue need surgery? I know that you can heal Blue now.”
“We are helping. We are taking away the pain. But Blue needs to see this surgeon.”
“Is this because of the people who will be involved?”
“Okay, that makes sense. I know that certain experiences and illnesses are ways of connecting people.”
“So Blue will be healed but needs to go to this hospital and see this doctor, right?”
“Yes. Blue is aware. Blue knows what to do. We've been telling Blue.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
This was a very high energy connection. It's difficult to describe how intense it was other than to say that the voice was so strong that it truly was resounding... I can see how people who've been witness to Gabriel would be taken aback. I thank Gabriel, ask for him to leave and for Blue's Higher Self to return. I am well familiar with Blue's Higher Self and we've developed a more casual relationship. We talk a while, then I go on to the questions Blue has.
“Blue's wondering about the special connection with the moon.”
“Yes. Blue goes every night. Blue asked for help.”
“What do you mean Blue asked for help?”
“From the nightmares.”
Blue, like I said, suffered severe abuse as a child. The severity of the abuse is beyond what I've encountered personally and working as one who founded our local domestic violence center, then worked as counselor and legal advocate, I've heard and seen a lot. Prostituted as a child, beaten and starved, Blue endured horrifying circumstances.
“You mean from what happened?”
“Yes. It became too much, so we sent Blue there. Blue still goes every night. It's peaceful.”
“Blue's wondering about 'past lives.' During our sessions, Blue's never experienced going to a 'past life' and wondering why.”
“All Blue's 'past lives' are in this life.”
Okay, well this is where things become more complicated and it's necessary to broaden our minds – step out of “time” as we've traditionally “kept” it. The easiest way for me to do this, and perhaps will be helpful to others too, is to realize that we've traditionally kept track of the passing of “time” by counting days as the rise and setting of the sun. But what if we orbited differently? What if we were in a space of more than one sun...To keep this to this brief, I won't go into more detail about the passage of time now but will focus on key points of our conversation that followed. It's noteworthy to add here though that this person has been in numerous relationships which has been another point of harsh criticism Blue's received as judgment from people. Blue's joked before about feeling like I have, that we've lived many lives during our current lifetime. Turns out that Blue was right.
“Blue's wondering about some unique relationships...”
“They prayed, Blue came.”
“What do you mean, they prayed and Blue came?”
“They needed help, so Blue went.”
“You mean like an angel?”
“Yes.” And there was that smile again. I knew that there was more information here, but it depended on me asking questions. (This is also an important factor of meditation, prayer; opportunity to clear our minds and be more direct. Be specific with questions that you ask, and don't be afraid to ask for visible confirmations. This allows for wonderful experiences to materialize. There is criteria that our soul families abide by and one of the main considerations is of non-interference so interaction hinges on invitation.)
“Not like an angel though - Blue is an angel. Is that right?”
Okay, like I said, I do want to keep this brief but I got such an epiphany at this moment. It was as if the culmination of all our previous sessions came to the forefront.
“So when Blue was abused, Blue endured that so that those people could release that experience.”
That's what I've learned about domestic violence, pedophilia, etc... is that unless people are healed from those traumatic experiences the abuse continues. Suddenly, a lot of things started to make sense to me.
“Blue came here to do this, to allow the abuse in order to provide healing; to forgive them, release them?”
Now Blue's Higher Self became very quiet and thoughtful, whispered, “Yes.”
This was in fact a dangerous assignment. There was the chance that Blue could become caught in these cycles. It was only forgiveness that prevented that. If Blue had succumbed to hatred, bitterness, anger, and been overcome with ideals of vengeance, or conversely self-loathing, the patterning would have remained unchanged.
“Does Blue transmute energy?” By transmuting, I mean unconditional love changes what we perceive as negative or dark energies just by association.
Again, in just a whisper, “Yes.”
My mind reeled, thinking of all the people who've judged Blue and continue to do so. There are many people who are appalled by Blue's lifestyle, even threaten eternal hellfire and damnation. Yet Blue remains undeterred and is joyful.
“Blue's also wondered about the special relationship felt with Jesus.”
“He is part of Blue.”
“Was Blue here when Jesus was here?”
“Blue is part of him. There is no separation. They are one.”
I am familiar with this as the Christ Consciousness which is becoming prevalent on our planet now. A previous conversation that I'd had with Blue came to mind. Blue told me that despite never being taught about Jesus or the Bible, when scared and then plagued by nightmares from the abuse, Blue had suddenly thought to pray to Jesus and ask for help.
“Blue was wondering about some people that have come into Blue's life lately who passed away shortly afterward. Blue was with them right before they passed.”
“Yes, it helped that Blue was with them. They prayed, Blue went.”
This session ended abruptly with the unmistakable presence of Gabriel returning.
“We are through here,” he announced, “We've done the healing that you asked. Take (Blue) out now! (Blue) must release immediately. The toxins must be released.”
No, it wasn't the healing for the problem that requires surgery, it was for other health issues. I brought Blue out. Blue sat up, ran for the bathroom and when Blue returned, said that the feeling was like the entire body was filled with fluid, had never experienced anything like it.
There are angels among us, giving us opportunities to “play out” scenarios that will benefit goals we've each set for this lifetime. Perhaps you are one.